Clicklaw Monthly Roundup: March 2022

We share with you a monthly roundup of changes to Clicklaw’s collection. Here is a summary of updates done in March 2022.

Solve Problems

BC Ministry of Attorney General

Adjust your child support using the Child Support Recalculation Service (CSRS) (New)
The CSRS can help parents with adjusting the child support amount by reviewing eligible orders and agreements annually. This page explains eligibility, the way the free service works, and enrolling in the service.

Canadian Council for Refugees

Practical Information Resources for Refugees in Canada (Newly Added)
This website has practical information for refugees. Topics include refugee determination system, family reunification options, Afghan crisis, travel outside of Canada, resumption of removals, claimants working in the health-care sector, private sponsorship, human trafficking, and more.

Government of Canada

Temporary resident permits (TRPs) (Newly Added)
An immigration officer may issue a TRP to allow a person who is inadmissible, or who does not meet the requirements of the IRPA, to remain in Canada. This page includes additional considerations for inadmissibility, human trafficking, family violence, stateless children, and more.

Legal Aid BC

If You’re Charged with a Crime (Updated)
Short, easy-to-understand booklet that outlines what happens when someone is charged with a criminal offence. It briefly describes the first steps in the court process and the different options that might be available. The French version is from 2018 and is still legally accurate.


BC Ministry of Attorney General

Child Support Recalculation Service (CSRS) (New)
The CSRS is a free, administrative program that reviews eligible orders and written agreements for child support each year. It is administered using an online tool for eligible parents (both must live in BC, have an order made or an agreement filed in a BC Provincial Court, etc.) Either parent can apply to enrol in the service, by contacting the CSRS or applying online (starting on April 4, 2022).

Common Questions

I can’t find the life insurance policy of a family member who just passed away (New)

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