Notice: No more FeedBurner, new RSS
Welcome to our increasing readership
Our blog readership increased over 17% this year vs. Spring/Summer 2016–welcome to our new readers! If you ever have any feedback about the blog, please feel free to let us know at
Moving on from FeedBurner
We decided to move on from FeedBurner, which previously powered our email subscriptions and RSS subscriptions. FeedBurner is an RSS tool that was bought by Google in 2007; unfortunately, Google stopped providing support and development to the tool in 2012. Our email subscriptions are now powered by MailChimp, which automatically emails you every time there is a new post.
If you are seeing this post as an email in your inbox, you don’t need to do anything. This means you were subscribed with us in the past, and we’ve simply transferred your (active) subscription to a MailChimp list, so you will continue to get email updates on Clicklaw blog posts. If you signed up in the past but did not confirm your subscription, you were not added to our MailChimp list, and will have to subscribe again to give us your consent.
If you are subscribed to our RSS feed through an RSS reader, make sure that you update the Feed URL: