Helping Clients with Going to BC Provincial Court? This One’s for You
Do you refer clients to resources about small claims, family court, or criminal court? Clicklaw has updated the handouts that could help you share these key resources. Check out the Provincial Court Resources for Everyone.
Where to get them & what’s new
Follow the links below, click “Download PDF handout”, then print & distribute the handouts:

- Family Court: (the new Family Law in BC website added)
- Small Claims: (the new Guide to Small Claims Court from BC Provincial Court added)
- Criminal Court: (details for criminal law resources from LSS and JES updated)
The handouts give a brief overview of the resources and direct readers to the short URL ( given at the bottom of the page. The links resolve to Clicklaw’s Common Questions pages for more details.
Please share with your clients to help them better understand the court process.
New Small Claims Court Guide

The handouts also include some great resources from the BC Provincial Court, including the new Small Claims Court Guide. Using a fictional sample problem, it explains the Small Claims Court process and includes claimants’ guide, defendants’ guide, and sample documents for both. Read more about it from BC Provincial Court’s eNews.
In 2015, we worked with the BC Provincial Court and the Clicklaw Steering Committee to create three special Common Questions pages and handouts. The intention was to guide Self-Represented Litigants to resources specific to Family Court, Criminal Court and Small Claims Court. We have updated the handouts throughout the years, with help from our contributors.
Thank you to everyone who made this happen. This July 2019 version is based on recent feedback from our contributors at the BC Provincial Court, Justice Education Society, Legal Services Society, and People’s Law School.
Send us feedback
Have you used any of them with your clients? Have any comments you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you. Email us.