Do you have a will?

Wills are essential tools for responsible planning and are applicable to persons considered “mentally capable” and 16 or older in BC.
Completing a will is usually a relief. If you have been thinking about a will for yourself or if you have family members who have yet to take that step, the next few weeks are an excellent time to start.
April 9-15, 2017 is Make-a-Will Week, and a number of organizations and legal professionals are coming together to donate their time and effort to help people write their will or bring an existing will up to date.
Don’t forget about Personal Planning
A will doesn’t mean you’re totally covered — if you don’t know about Representation Agreements, Enduring Powers of Attorney and other personal planning documents, you’ll want to read more about these important legal planning documents with experts like Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry.
What events are going on?

Make a Will Week is closely followed by Law Week, so there are a lot of events happening in the month of April. We covered a variety in our last post on April Events.
For example, the CBA BC is holding its province-wide Dial-a-Lawyer day on Saturday, April 22, 2017 from 10am – 2pm where anyone can call 604 687-3221 or 1-800-663-1919 for a free 15-minute consultation with a Wills and Estates Lawyer. They also cover other areas of law: Business, Employment, Family, Immigration and Tort & Motor Vehicle.
Nidus is holding online and in-person presentations about Personal Planning — legal documents for health care, personal care, financial and legal matters.
People’s Law School in collaboration with various organizations are holding many Public Legal Education Law Classes across BC on various topics, ranging from Writing a Will and Probating a Will to Strata Law.
I want to learn more about making my will. What do I read? Who do I call?
At the Wills and Personal Planning Resources page on the Courthouse Libraries BC website, there is a comprehensive list of free or nominal fee resources and services for everyone—from lawyers to people who aren’t familiar with the law. The webpage contains the full list of resources, services and events. The PDF handouts (printable, shareable) contain examples of types of help that can be found on the webpage, and contain a short link that forwards to the webpage.
If you would like to make a suggestion for a resource, please email us.
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