2019 Bi-Monthly Update Series: May/June
To keep you informed, here are some highlights of changes and updates made to Clicklaw in May and June:
Jan-Feb | Mar-Apr | May-Jun | Jul-Aug | Sep-Oct | Nov-Dec
BC Civil Liberties Association

- Access to Information – this guide will help you to request information that the government has about you.
- Complaints Against Police Officers – this guide explains how to file a complaint against police officers for misconduct and what you can expect in the process.
- Know Your Rights: Injunctions and Contempt of Court – this guide provides information about injunction, contempt of court, and your rights when you go to court on this charge.
- Powers of Conservation Officers – this factsheet tells you about the roles and responsibilities of Conservation Officers, their powers, and steps you can take if you believe your rights have been violated.
- Privacy: Biometrics in the Workplace – this factsheet provides you with information about your biometrics’ privacy rights in the workplace and the things you can do if you believe that your employer has breached them.
- Privacy: Video & Audio Recoding in the Workplace – this factsheet provides you with information about your privacy rights in the workplace with regard to video and audio surveillance and the things you can do if you believe that your employer has breached them.
- Privacy Rights: Strata Corporations – this factsheet explains your privacy rights with regard to strata corporations.
- Freedom of Expression – this factsheet explains your right to free expression in Canada.
- Freedom of Expression: Social Media Platforms – in this factsheet find out about the right to free expression in Canada with regard to social media.

- Guide to Preparing for BC Small Claims Court – this guide explains the Provincial Court Small Claims process in British Columbia. Includes claimants’ guide, defendants’ guide, and sample documents for both.

The following help sheets have been updated:
- The Registered Disability Savings Plan
- Trusts for People Receiving the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Benefit

- Aboriginal Legal Aid in BC – this redesigned website has child & family rights, on-reserve issues, and information about First Nations/Indigenous Courts. The updated listings on Clicklaw include:
- Family Law in BC – this redesigned website has information and step-by-step guides on family law in BC. Topics covered include abuse & family violence, adoption, child protection/removal, common-law relationships, parenting & guardianship, separation & divorce, child & spousal support, and going to court. The updated listings on Clicklaw include:
- Legal Aid Community Outreach (Community Partners) – new location: South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society in Ashcroft

- Family Law Advocacy Service – services include a range of legal advocacy and assistance relating to family law, including child protection, as well as some support in other overlapping matters.
- Outreach & Advocacy Program – free and confidential services assisting with administrative and poverty law related issues. Clients with language or other barriers may also access the service to receive help with applications for benefits, housing, and other support services.
Fort St. John Women’s Resource Society

- Poverty Law Advocacy Program – advocacy, representation, and assistance to low-income women and men.
- Family Law Advocacy Program – support, legal information, assistance, and referrals to low income men, women, and teens who are facing legal challenges related to family law.
Kamloops and District Elizabeth Fry Society

- Poverty Law Advocacy – for individuals facing issues with disability claims, income assistance and residential tenancy issues. Legal advocates do not provide legal representation.
- Family Law Advocacy – for individuals facing family law issues. Legal advocates do not provide legal representation.
Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL)

- Inclusive Investing: Respecting the Rights of Vulnerable Investors through Supported Decision Making – this project examines how vulnerable investors are using supported decision making in their lives. It will focus on decision making during the investment process to maximize an investor’s access to investment options while minimizing the loss of autonomy.