Upcoming Training Opportunities for Advocates and Community Workers

Courthouse Libraries BC (CLBC) delivers training throughout the year for advocates on various legal topics. Access the training calendar here (includes webinars for BC lawyers). We have two webinars coming up later this year designed for advocates, community workers and public librarians.
Top 5 Employment Law Issues Webinar
Join us on October 14, 2015 (2pm-3pm) for an informative session on
employment law issues. Trevor Thomas of Kent Employment Law will be presenting the webinar. Mr. Thomas’ experience in employment law includes: assisting employee clients with severance reviews, negotiating wrongful dismissal settlements, negotiating employment contracts, addressing workplace harassment and bullying, enforcing the Employment Standards Act, and preparing clients to appear at workplace investigations. This webinar is designed to help community workers to understand the basics of employment law. The main issues that will be covered include: employment contracts; employee vs. independent contractor; the Employment Standards Act; human rights; and dismissal and severance.
Register for this event here.
Family Law e-Resources Webinar
On November 17, 2015 (2pm-3pm), we will be offering a webinar for community workers and advocates on locating free family law resources. The presenters, Audrey Jun, Clicklaw Program Coordinator, and Megan Vis-Dunbar, Liaison Lawyer with CLBC, will highlight some resources for assisting clients with family law issues. Some of the resources that we will be demonstrating include: Clicklaw; the LSS Family Law website; online fillable court forms; the BC Provincial Court website (and specifically the Family Law Act orders Picklist); and my support calculator. We will also provide some information on available services such as: JES workshops, the Mediate BC Family Mediation Program, and bcparentingcoordinators.com.
Register for this event here.