Find legal help in your community on Clicklaw

help map

Clicklaw’s HelpMap provides information about legal services in your community. You can search by community, area of law, language, and type of service. There are over 800 locations in BC where you can get legal services. 

The HelpMap is also an excellent tool for service providers who provide referrals to people with legal issues.

help map search result

For more information on how HelpMap works, have a look at our YouTube video.

If you have suggestions for services to add to our HelpMap, please contact us.

New Features on Clicklaw

Clicklaw recently launched a new look that makes it easier to find the legal information and help you’re looking for. We asked for your feedback, we listened, and we’ve made changes to improve the site for you.

Information in many languages

You now have easier access to legal information in many languages. On the header of each page, we’ve added quick links to resources and services in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Punjabi, Korean and Farsi (Persian), as well as a list of all languages available through Clicklaw. Our Clicklaw contributors produce hundreds of resources in many languages – now it’s easier for you to find them.

Keyword search improvements!

Try out the keyword search and we think you’ll notice a big difference – the search is far more flexible, and you’ll be much more satisfied with the search results. You’ll even find that if you make a spelling mistake, our search engine will notice that and offer you alternatives to choose from.

Search results include HelpMap services

When you look for information on Clicklaw, your search results now include some quick suggestions from our HelpMap. Also, the display for the results is cleaner, easier to read, and includes all resources from three sections: Solve Problems, Learn & Teach, and Reform & Research. You can still  narrow down your search using these sections – just use the “Refine your search” box on the left of the search results screen.

We hope that all of these enhancements will make the site more intuitive and easier for you to find the legal information you need.

Comments? We’d love to hear from you! Post a response on our blog, go to our FaceBook page, contact us via Twitter, or send us an email to