Tell us about your experience using Clicklaw!
We want to make sure that Clicklaw is helping you find the legal information you need. Over the next few months, when you visit our site you’ll be invited to take this very short survey after your visit to Clicklaw. We want to learn more about who’s using Clicklaw, why people are coming to our site, and whether or not you can find the legal information you need. We also want to learn more about what works well on our site, and what challenges you may have had using Clicklaw.
For those who find some useful legal information on Clicklaw, we ask if we can send you a link to a short follow up survey a few weeks after your visit. The ideal is to give you time to read and digest the legal information found through Clicklaw. We want to see if it has helped you to better understand your legal issue, and if you were able to take next steps with your legal issue. When you complete the second survey, you will be invited to enter your name in a draw for a Kobo-Glo e-reader.
The surveys are very short and take only a few moments to complete. So we would really appreciate it if you could take a moment to provide your feedback! And if you refer friends or clients to the Clicklaw website, please encourage them to do the same. We’ll report back on what we learn, and use the information we gather to make improvements to Clicklaw.
Thank you!