Law Day 2010: Photos, Questions, and Puzzles

At Law Day 2010, we launched LawStartBC, a new promotion campaign from Courthouse Libraries BC. LawStartBC features Clicklaw, the HelpMap, LawMatters and Courthouse Libraries as four “pieces of the puzzle” for legal information and assistance for the public in BC.
At Law Day in Vancouver on Saturday there was a great tone to the day, with lots of community connections and questions from the public. A sampling:
- I’m an aspiring filmmaker; I want to learn about copyright and how to protect my rights to the films I’m making
- My wife & I are separating, and I don’t qualify for legal aid but can’t afford a lawyer; are there other options for legal help?
- What can I do about people trespassing on my property?
- What are the rules for holding a contest with prizes?
- I need to probate a relative’s estate; where do I start?
This last question is actually the most popular “common question” on Clicklaw: “I am the executor of my mother’s will and am doing the work myself“. There are now 100 common questions on Clicklaw, and more coming as the site continues to evolve.
We weren’t the only ones fielding questions; the Attorney General was among those fielding some challenging questions during one of the public forums. More photos from Law Day 2010 here.