Separation Agreements: Your Right to Fairness

Separation Agreements: Your Right to FairnessWest Coast LEAF has just published a new resource, Separation Agreements: Your Right to Fairness. This plain language booklet is for anyone interested in learning more about the financial issues that arise when a couple separates. It includes tips for managing your own case, how to work well with your lawyer, and information on completing financial statements for court.

The project came out of the Rick v Brandsema case where the Supreme Court of Canada found that the parties’  separation agreement was “unconscionable”, and therefore invalid. After this case, West Coast LEAF reports that they received numerous calls from women and advocates facing the challenge of needing the courts to review unfair separation agreements. To address this need, they’ve produced this resource. It’s part of a larger project to expand women’s knowledge about their rights in family law and will also include a series of workshops for advocates and service providers in BC to educate them about separation agreements. These workshops will take place in the second half of 2012.



  1. I have less than 2 weeks to get about $5000.00 and some people to help me move away from my current situation. I am a 60 yr old female, disabled, many days unable to move around or even stand in a kitchen to cook Kraft Dinner. My abusive husband took off for 2 weeks and if I could get some people to help me financially for about $5000.00 I could be out of here and safe really fast and safe for the first time in a long time. FOR GOD’S sake, whomever you think he is PLEASE help me.

    Of course there are always needs for more – I have Piriformis Syndrome, acute chrocnic pain and nerve root lesions. I need a descent bed so something like a double size tempurpedic would help. i have a KingSize but know that will NEVER fit into a standard apartment so I will gladly TRADE you TOP notch King Size bedroom suite with 4 dr dresser, TV stand and 2 side tables all for queen size tempurpedic that can be converted for head up or legs up.

    This is NOT a JOKE. I am desperate – very desperate.

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