What Happens with Parenting of the Children in Cases of Wife Abuse?

One of the significant changes brought about by the new Family Law Act is in the area of family violence, as briefly described in this Vancouver Sun article. In the words of BC Attorney General Shirley Bond, the new Act is about “ensuring children’s interest and safety are given the utmost priority”. Our newly updated common question directs you to three publications that can help you get started on understanding how the new law would deal with the subject matter.

The common question “What happens with parenting of the children in cases of wife abuse?” features the following resources on Clicklaw:

You may also want to check out Clicklaw’s common question: I want to learn more about the new BC Family Law Act. It features helpful resources for navigating the new BC Family Law Act.

Free Legal Advice on Dial-A-Lawyer Day

Gearing up for Law Week 2013 the BC Branch of Canadian Bar Association will be offering free legal consultation sessions as part of its Dial-A-Lawyer Day, happening on Saturday, April 13.  Law Week is a terrific initiative that aims to raise awareness about our legal system, recognizing the dedicated legal professionals involved and it aims to help the public understand how the justice system works. 

 The Dial-A-Lawyer event makes legal advice accessible.  If you live in British Columbia and you have a question about a legal issue in the following 6 areas of law – family, wills & estates, tort & motor vehicle accident, immigration, business or criminal – you can call (604.687.3221 or 1.800.663.1919) and speak with a lawyer for up to 15 minutes for free

 While we are on the topic of free legal advice take a look at other options available to members of the public seeking an alternative to costly legal services.