We share with you a monthly roundup of changes to Clicklaw’s collection. Here is a summary of updates done in June 2020. For resources specific to pandemic responses, go to Covid-19 Resources for British Columbians (bit.ly/covid19bc).
Solve Problems
The National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP)
- So you’re representing yourself (new)
This initial “getting you started” primer gives an overview of the self-rep process, and the other guides you can find from us on various topics. If you are or are going to be a self-represented litigant in family or civil court, this primer is for you. Also available in audio format on SoundCloud. - A starter checklist to help you represent yourself in family or civil court (new)
This checklist helps you prepare yourself before going to court. This version includes some examples. A blank version of the checklist that you can customize is also available. - Settlement Smarts for Self-Represented Litigants (updated)
This primer helps you prepare and navigate the settlement processes you may encounter during your time as a self-represented litigant. Includes personal & strategic tips specific to the process. Also available in audio format on SoundCloud. - Coping with the Courtroom: Essential Tips and Information for Self-Represented Litigants (updated)
Provides info on what to expect on your day in court (What does the courtroom look like? When do I stand & sit? How do I address the judge?). Includes practical information on how to present your evidence, how to question witnesses, how to object, how to make opening & closing statements, etc. Also available in audio format on SoundCloud.
Reform & Research
Raising the Alarm: The Case for Better Flame Retardant Regulation in Canada (new)
by Environmental Law Centre, University of Victoria
Report written for the Victoria Fire Fighters Association about improving flame retardant regulations in Canada.
by the National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP) West
Endeavoring to connect those who represent themselves in court and elsewhere with the information and assistance they seek. NSRLP West aims to provide connections with resources that may be helpful to people representing themselves in court or elsewhere in their lives. We do not provide legal advice but can listen and respond to the needs of people who are self representing (self-represented litigants/SRLs) in order to research and advocate for change within the justice system. We are currently assisting the community of Kamloops