Training for Community Workers, Advocates, Librarians – CRT & Strata Issues

Do you help the public in your work? Do you ever get asked questions about strata problems? Wondering what resources are available for clients involved in a strata dispute or looking for strata information?

Sign up for this free webinar:

March 22nd, 1-2 pm PST – CRT Chair Shannon Salter presents: Introducing the Civil Resolution Tribunal: Strata Dispute Solution Explorer

What does the CRT have to do with strata disputes?

In this 1 hour webinar, Shannon will explain what the CRT is, the extent of its jurisdiction (what kinds of disputes it can hear), and how the Solution Explorer fits into the dispute resolution process. If you help members of the public in your work, you are invited to come and learn about this new model for civil justice, designed to increase access to justice.

The CRT opens this year. The first stage is the launch of the Strata Dispute branch of the “Solution Explorer”. The Solution Explorer will be the first phase of the dispute resolution process where users are guided to useful information, problem diagnosis and self-help.  Self-help can include tools like templates, calculators or checklists that will help prepare users to take steps toward resolution in their strata issue.

We hope you can join us. Register today!

For further information and updates, see What’s New at the CRT or subscribe via email or RSS on the left column of our blog to follow our ongoing ODR series.

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Online Dispute Resolution in BC – Got a strata dispute?

Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3a | Part 3b

The Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) team is looking for people to help beta-test their web-based Solution Explorer. As we mentioned in our Introduction to ODR in BC, the CRT will be an online tribunal opening in 2016. It will be accessible 24/7, and can be used by people to resolve their small claims and strata/condo disputes.

The first step in the CRT process is called the Solution Explorer, a self-help tool that helps diagnose the type of problem or dispute, provides helpful related information, self-help options and identifies a recommended next stage of the process.

Who Can Take Part?Older-couple-with-laptop

The CRT is looking specifically for a group of 8 to 10 people who are owners, tenants or occupants of a strata. Participants will be observed using the Solution Explorer to resolve real life strata disputes by CRT staff to see how it is used and how it can be made better.

What are the Requirements to Participate?

If you can attend a 30 minute appointment on either of these two dates below, look up the other requirements here on the CRT’s website, where you will find more information on how to get involved:

  • December 3, 2015 in downtown Victoria OR
  • December 7, 2015 in downtown Vancouver

To learn more about the CRT, visit their website.

Related Common Questions on Clicklaw:

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